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Frontline Professional Growth:
Frequently Asked Questions


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Interested in Frontline Professional Growth, but still have questions about it?

Here are some of the questions that come up a lot! If you’re wondering about something you don’t see here, please contact your Education Solutions Executive who will be glad to assist you.

What applications are included as part of Frontline Professional Growth?

The full Frontline Professional Growth solution includes several applications designed to help K-12 administrators manage and track the complete cycle of educator learning and growth. They include:

Professional Learning Management: Foster relevant and individualized professional learning.

Employee Evaluation Management: Simplify the evaluation/observation process and provide meaningful feedback.

Learning & Collaboration Resources: Offer learning opportunities to address each teacher’s individual needs.

You might also be interested in these optional offerings from our Strategic Partners:

Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluation InstrumentProvides educators with a deep, shared understanding of what good teaching looks like and builds observer and teacher confidence in the observation process.

Stronge Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System: Districts and states can now use one comprehensive, uniform evaluation system with components for teachers, education specialists, principals, central office administrators and superintendents.

ETS Classroom Video Library: Offers convenient web-based access to thousands of authentic, unedited K-12 classroom videos and tagged video clips, along with associated artifacts.

Stronge Master-Coded Simulations: Provide a turnkey solution for evaluator training and calibration.

Strategic Observation and Reflection (SOAR) Teaching Frames®: Enabling teachers, coaches and instructional leaders to engage together in cycles of strategic observation and reflection to drive improvements in teaching and learning.

UW CEL 5D+™ Rubric: An efficient, streamlined process that leverages technology for teacher evaluation helps enable a growth-focused process.


Too many to list them all here! But the whole reason we developed Frontline Professional Growth was to help you grow and support excellent teachers and staff, save time and money by reducing turnover and administrative costs and build more efficient processes. And not least, to help you ensure that professional learning and teacher evaluations lead to the best possible teaching for students in the classroom.