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Case Study

Cost Savings, Efficiency, and Accountability: Managing Instructional Materials in Keller ISD

District Instructional Resource Manager Cherie Crews shares how the district reduced audit times and saved money across its 43 campuses.

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Keller Independent School District Hero Image

District Background

Keller Independent School District, located between Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, serves 43 campuses and 33,400 students.

Cherie Crews, District Instructional Resource Manager, remembers the days when Keller ISD used an outdated, locally hosted system to manage textbooks and other materials. Manual inventory tracking led to complex and time-consuming audits — and lack of accountability resulted in high replacement costs. Recognizing the need for clarity, accountability, and cost savings, Keller ISD turned to Frontline Instructional Materials Management.

By adopting Frontline’s web-based system, Keller ISD improved tracking from warehouse to classroom, identified surplus materials to reduce over-ordering, and simplified audits.

Before Frontline

Manual Inventory Tracking: Staff used an outdated system, leading to errors, lack of visibility into surplus materials, and wasted time reconciling data.

Inefficient Audits: Audits took 6–8 hours per campus, with significant losses uncovered and low accountability.

High Replacement Costs: Missing or damaged materials led to unnecessary reorders, costing up to $16,000–$20,000 per high school annually.

After Frontline

Accurate Real-Time Tracking: Barcode scanning and SIS integration provide a clear view of resources and needs across campuses and warehouses.

Fast, Efficient Audits: Audits now take from half an hour to an hour and a half per campus, freeing staff time and improving accountability.

Significant Cost Savings: Losses dropped drastically, with one school reducing textbook costs to $72.98, saving enough to cover the system’s cost in three years.

Challenges Before Frontline

Manual Inventory Tracking

Before implementing Frontline, staff often struggled to get a reliable count of what resources existed and where they were stored. Surplus materials might sit hidden at one school while another bought unnecessary replacements. Reconciling data took hours. A lack of real-time visibility meant that information could be outdated or inaccurate.

Difficulty Identifying Surplus Materials for Reallocation

If one campus had extra textbooks or consumables, it was hard to share that surplus with another campus that needed them. Without a single, centralized platform, no one could see at a glance where surplus materials lived. This led to over-ordering and higher costs.

Costly Replacements

Because the district could not track materials well, books went missing or got damaged without proper accountability. Sometimes schools reordered items they already had, cutting into the district’s budget.

Inefficient Audits

Internal audits help districts know what they have and where it is, but Keller ISD’s audit process was resource intensive. Early on, auditing a single campus could take 6 to 8 hours. This time included searching for materials, verifying counts, and matching items to records. The audits often revealed significant losses. Without a good system, it was hard to hold people accountable for missing materials. The time lost during these audits also distracted staff from other important tasks.

The Solution: Frontline Instructional Materials Management

The Instructional Materials Department wanted an easy-to-use online system that would offer access to current data. Keller ISD’s leadership wanted a solution that would show a return on investment, and required evidence that the system would save enough money in three years to justify the cost. They decided to move forward with Frontline’s Instructional Materials Management.

Cherie Crews Photo

“The criteria for the district saying, ‘Yes, we will purchase this for you,’ was that I had to prove in three years that we saved enough [money] on the audits to pay for it. And we did.”

Cherie Crews
– District Instructional Resource Manager

Features Adopted

Inventory Tracking

Frontline integrates with Keller ISD’s student information system, so the district knows how many items it needs based on enrollment. Barcode scanning replaces tedious manual entry and reduces errors. The system makes it easy to see what materials live at each campus and how many items remain in stock at the warehouse.

Cherie does not take this ability for granted. “Tracking the materials, if I didn’t have the system, then I would have to use a spreadsheet. Can you imagine what that spreadsheet would look like for a district our size?”

Audits and Accountability

With Frontline, the district can run audits more smoothly. Instead of searching through piles of papers, staff can rely on the system’s data. The district now uses quantity-based tracking with ISBN numbers in addition to barcodes. This reduces the time it takes to confirm what the campuses have: staff can log a single ISBN and enter the total count instead of scanning each item one by one.

“You just go in there and tell it the ISBN or product number, and then you enter the quantity that you want to give them,” Cherie explained. “I show campuses how they can track these materials even though they’re not tagged. I love that feature.”

Material Distribution

Distributing materials also got easier. The district can assign resources to campuses directly in the system or transfer them from one campus to another without guesswork. Every transfer is logged in Frontline, so the district knows where each item ends up.

“We do it all through the software,” Cherie said, adding that she uses Frontline to restrict campuses from transferring materials unless the request goes through the district. “That way the district knows where materials are being transferred from to and from.”

This clear chain of custody helps the district maintain order, prevent over-purchasing, and reduce waste.

Results and Benefits

Cost Savings

Before using Frontline, each high school frequently experienced textbook losses totaling $16,000-$20,000. Today, those losses rarely exceed $5,000 and are often significantly less. “We had one high school whose textbook invoice was $72.98,” Cherie said. This huge reduction shows the power of accurate tracking and accountability.

The district saved enough money during the first three years to cover the system’s cost. The data provided by Frontline gave Keller ISD’s leadership the evidence they needed to see that this was a wise investment.

“We can track for each elementary, each campus, what their invoices were and what they ended up having to pay. When we rolled this out, I let the campuses know, ‘This is what we have to show in savings.’ I did this for several years, and they loved it.”

Cherie Crews
– District Instructional Resource Manager

Time Efficiency

Audits that once took 6-8 hours for a single high school now take between a half hour and an hour and a half. This frees staff to focus on more important things, like planning and supporting instruction. The district can now complete all audits before staff leave for summer break. This alone saves weeks of labor.

“If I had to scan each book, it would probably take five or six times longer… There is just no way one person could do that.” Cherie explained.

Improved Accountability

With Frontline, Keller ISD ensures accountability for campuses. Schools that manage materials well receive recognition for accurate audits. Teacher receipts help track who has what, eliminating disputes about missing items, as records are always accessible. “If a teacher or a campus comes to a coordinator and says, ‘We didn’t get these materials’ — a lot of times that would happen for math manipulatives — and the coordinator comes to me, I pull out my file for that campus. ‘Nope, here’s the paperwork, here’s your signature on it,’” Cherie shared.

Assistant principals appreciate how simple the system is to use, despite their busy schedules. “Most APs are pretty overworked, and it often seems instructional materials are at the bottom of the priority list. But when I do the training, they comment about how easy it is to use the system. They like that accountability,” Cherie said.

The SIS integration helps ensure the exact number of materials needed are ordered, based on enrollment. “The first year of an adoption, I’m pretty strict,” said Cherie. “If you have a hundred students in fourth grade, you get a hundred books.”

Campuses can track teacher-issued materials easily, knowing which teacher has which items, keeping everyone informed. “Campuses found it easier to issue those to teachers through the software. That way they can track how many each teacher has, so they know that they’re not overusing their allotment.”

Data-Driven Decisions

With Frontline, Keller ISD now has the data to make informed choices around instructional materials. Reports show where surplus materials sit, and if one campus needs something, the district can search other campuses to find extra items. “All districts are in deficits right now, so it’s about using the software and having it work for you to make sure you’re not over-purchasing materials, finding those surplus materials when you need them. That is the biggest help for me in Frontline,” Cherie said.

Because a single platform houses all inventory data, if the district must move surplus from one campus to another, it can. If the district needs to order new materials, it knows exactly how many to buy. This transparency allows staff to plan effectively.

“I love to be able to go in and see where my materials are at and if I need to move surplus from one campus over to another, or if I need to order new materials and where those need to go. I love being able to see all that information,” Cherie said.

Teacher textbook receipts help verify accuracy. Campuses can run reports and send them to teachers to ensure each teacher has the correct items. This avoids confusion, especially when staff members transfer or leave.

“I love the teacher textbook receipts. That is my favorite report for the campuses,” said Cherie. “I’ll tell them each year to run that report, send it to the teachers, make sure they have everything on that list and that the accession numbers are correct, because you don’t want Mrs. Jones to have a book that is actually Mr. Brown’s book. If a teacher is leaving, I tell the campuses to run that same report. That way, they know exactly what they need to turn in and it has the accession numbers tied to it, or the quantities if it doesn’t have an accession number.”

Operational Improvements

Keller ISD now has real-time inventory updates and moves materials efficiently between campuses. During new textbook adoptions, the district tags items at the warehouse, logs them in the system, and then ships them directly to schools.

The system also offers flexible reporting. If a campus needs something, and the district doesn’t have it in stock, the staff checks for surplus before buying more. “If a campus places an order and we don’t have it, we are not going to just go order it. I want to be able to see where any surplus materials are at,” Cherie explained.

By cutting waste and ensuring that each campus gets what it needs, Keller ISD moves closer to equitable resource distribution. Teachers and students benefit from having the right tools at the right time. The district’s process becomes more sustainable and cost-effective.

“Frontline is very user-friendly. When I go to the campuses and I train the APs on the software, they see how user-friendly it is.”

Cherie Crews
– District Instructional Resource Manager

Keller ISD’s experience with Frontline’s Instructional Materials Management proves that a user-friendly, data-driven system can transform how districts handle their resources. The district went from time-consuming audits and costly losses to fast audits and minimal replacement expenses. They gained a clear view of their inventory and accountability improved at every level. Staff can now focus on what matters most: teaching and learning.

Where would Cherie be if she didn’t have Frontline? “Most likely not in this position, as you need the right tools to do this job, and Frontline provides those tools,” she said.

Frontline helped Keller ISD align its resources with its mission. The district sets a strong example of how careful planning and modern tools lead to financial responsibility, transparency, and operational efficiency.

“It is a very user-friendly system that allows districts to track their materials and save the district money.”