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District Marketing

Making Your Mark:

How to Build Your District Brand

When you see the Apple logo, you think of innovative technologies with cutting-edge design. Pixar brings to mind creative stories that tug at your heartstrings. The Golden Arches are instantly recognizable and signal the ready availability of Big Macs and fries. These examples show that in the business world, success is intricately linked with a strong brand identity.

But your district and schools could benefit from a careful brand strategy too. Community engagement, student enrollment, staff recruitment and retention — all are supported by effective district branding.

We’ve put together a free white paper on the advantages of branding and best practices in district marketing. And to help you get started, we’ve included a template for creating effective marketing strategies.

You’ll learn:

  • Why every district should focus on branding
  • How to build your district brand and market your schools
  • What specific steps you need to take when creating a marketing strategy