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Education, Technology and Professional Learning

An abridged timeline as professional learning moves into the 21st century.

It’s an ever-changing world, as education and technology (and eventually, professional learning) can illustrate. Since their beginnings, none of these three realms have remained static — and all three are closely tied together. Come explore pivotal moments in education, edtech and professional learning throughout history in the United States.



 Professional Learning
Where do we go from here?

It’s a safe bet that the areas of professional learning, technology and education will only become more closely linked as they evolve. In the quest to support all learners, a few questions could be a useful starting point for reflection.

  • What challenges still stand in the way of offering meaningful professional learning to all teachers?
  • What data will we look at to better understand what professional learning is most effective?
  • How can advances in technology and in the science of learning help provide more relevant, useful, impactful learning opportunities?
Offer 21st Century Professional Learning

Meeting the challenges of education in today’s world requires professional learning that meets teachers right where they are. Frontline Professional Growth helps you support the complete cycle of educator growth, tie professional learning to evaluation results and track the impact learning has in the classroom. That includes Learning & Collaboration Resources, an extensive collection of learning opportunities and collaboration tools that teachers can use to drive their own learning on their own time.

  • Meet each educator’s unique needs with individual PD plans and relevant, targeted learning opportunities.
  • Provide a space for educators to collaborate, learn together, invite feedback and build a culture of learning.
  • Conduct transparent, defensible, growth-focused evaluations, and link results to professional learning plans and goals.
  • Offer competency-based micro-credentials, a vast library of just-in-time videos and online courses, and groups where teachers can collaborate together around videos, lesson plans and more.
See how you can start offering 21st century professional learning today!

i Wolf, M. J. (2018). The Routledge Companion to Media Technology and Obsolescence. New York, NY: Routledge.

ii Abramson, L. (2007, September 30). Sputnik Left Legacy for U.S. Science Education. Retrieved March 28, 2019, from

iii A brief history of email: Dedicated to Ray Tomlinson. (2016, March 10). Retrieved March 28, 2019, from

iv Rebora, A. (2019, February 20). Professional Development. Retrieved March 28, 2019, from

v Fink, J. L. (n.d.). Chromebooks in the Classroom. Retrieved March 28, 2019, from

vi Domina, Thurston, Ryan Lewis, Priyanka Agarwal, and Paul Hanselman. 2015. “Professional Sense-Makers Instructional Specialists in Contemporary Schooling.” Educational Researcher 44(6):359–64.

vii Jacob, A., & McGovern, K., et al (2015, August 4). The Mirage. Retrieved March 28, 2019, from