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(Nearly) Everything You Need to Know about Section 504

At this time, few schools have a firm grasp of the Section 504 process. By creating the guidelines and forms as a system, we sought to ensure consistency in language and action and, to the extent possible, have the forms guide Section 504 committees through their tasks to ensure that proper procedures were followed to satisfy the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

David Richards & Jose Martín

Attorneys, Nationally Recognized CESD Section 504 Expert

Section 504 was a great step forward for equity in education. It’s also a source of stress for many administrators due to a lack of direction and an overwhelming number of forms for compliance.

And each year, there are changes.

So it’s critical for educators to understand some basics about Section 504, practical FAQs about Section 504, and dig into the differences between Section 504 Plans and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

Download this eBook as a reference guide for Section 504 along with answers to questions our partners, David Richards & Jose Martín, receive most.


(Nearly) Everything You Need to Know about Section 504 PDF Mockup

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