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Student Analytics Lab

Compile your student data from disparate sources in a flash so you can spend less time building reports and more time using them to improve student outcomes.

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Monitor Student Performance and Progress

Track and understand student performance to better identify where interventions may be needed.

Identify At-risk Students for Intervention Planning

Easily access student performance metrics like attendance, course enrollment, assignment completion, test results, and more. Go from program and sub-group detail to individual student data with just a click.

Showcase Areas of Success

Bring multiple data points together to identify specific schools and programs that are making an impact.

Use at-a-glance dashboards to understand the impact of teacher performance on student outcomes and improve impact through ongoing evaluation.

Focus Additional Support on the Schools, Groups, and Programs That Need It Most

Analyze student performance trends at any level with at-a-glance dashboards. Use at-a-glance dashboards to understand the impact of teacher performance on student outcomes and improve impact through ongoing evaluation.

Make sure your teams have essential decision-making information

Locate “Blind Spots” to Ensure Equity and Access

Enable all district and campus leaders to monitor student progress, access nightly disaggregated lists of individual students who are not meeting performance metrics, and use these insights to assist students who are traditionally disadvantaged or underserved.

Make sure your teams have essential decision-making information

Holistic Views into College and Career Readiness

Go beyond a single test score to determine college and career readiness. With advanced reporting and endless ways to splice and dice your data, you can feel confident that you’re getting the full picture of performance.

“We are utilizing Frontline Student Analytics and it has really revamped the way that we look at and utilize data for our school leaders to help make quick, informed decisions that have really helped impact our student growth.”

— Mona Guerra
Data Fellow, Mercedes Independent School District
Are you interested in learning more? We can help! Our team can walk you through how Frontline can meet your unique needs.
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