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RTI/MTSS Survey Results

Districts are working hard to support student success,
but process challenges can get in the way.

Earlier this year, we asked educators around the country about their organizations’ RTI / MTSS processes. How do they manage their interventions? What would they like to see changed? What impact does their RTI process have?

Here’s what we found from those who took the survey.

Student success is priority #1.

Q: “What really makes your day?”

Unsurprisingly, survey respondents place a great deal of importance on how it’s impacting students.


1 = “Not that big a deal”  |  3 = “Nice, but not critical”  |  5 = “Really makes my day!”


Q: “If you could magically improve one thing in your RTI / MTSS process, what would it be?”

Once again, it’s clear that program effectiveness is top-of-mind. Why are students struggling? Is our program effective? Are we reaching students as early as possible?

Many districts experience mixed results.

Q: “ What kind of impact has your RTI / MTSS process had?”

Most respondents indicated their RTI process has had at least some impact, and 12% said that impact was significant. But more than one quarter either weren’t sure or saw no tangible results.


Q: “ To what extent has RTI / MTSS reduced your number of referrals to special education?”

1 in 10 respondents said they have seen a significant reduction in the number of students referred to special education since implementing their RTI process. Others indicated varying levels of success, and 21% noted that they haven’t been tracking that data.

Methods and challenges differ between districts.

Q: “How does your school identify students who might need an intervention?”*

Of those who said their organization has an RTI process in place, we also asked how they identify students for intervention. Universal screening data is the most common method, followed closely by RTI / MTSS, data or problem solving teams.

*In this question, percentages may add up to more than 100% since respondents were able to select multiple answers.


Q: “What challenges has your district faced in implementing RTI / MTSS?”*

While the cost of Response to Intervention programs wasn’t a primary concern for most respondents (fewer than 1 in 5 said that cost/funding was something their district has struggled with), process was. 42% said that their process wasn’t documented well or wasn’t followed consistently, and nearly 1/3 said that training and getting buy-in has been an issue.

*In this question, percentages may add up to more than 100% since respondents were able to select multiple answers.


Additionally, more than half said that they use paper-based systems to keep track of intervention plans.

Q: “ How do you document and keep track of students’ intervention plans?”*

*In this question, percentages may add up to more than 100% since respondents were able to select multiple answers.


Frontline Special Education Management helps you manage your process and track effectiveness.

With Frontline Special Education Management, you’ll have the tools to streamline your process, easily identify students for intervention and keep data at your fingertips so you can make better decisions.

  • Automatically identify non-responsive or struggling students and assign tiers
  • Collaboratively develop quality intervention plans based on each student’s data
  • Ensure that interventions are being delivered consistently and with fidelity
  • Easily see at a glance if your interventions are working
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