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[White Paper]
Time Tracking and Union Negotiations

How to Approach Your Bargaining Unit to Implement a Time & Attendance Management System

There are goals that your district can meet with an electronic time tracking system:

  • Ensuring compliance with labor laws like FLSA
  • Saving time throughout the payroll process
  • Eliminating costly payroll errors

But if your school district’s employees have used old-fashioned time cards or paper timesheets for years, it can be tough to get buy-in when it’s time to make a change.
It can be even harder when you need to navigate bargaining agreements and negotiate with unions, which may see a new system as “a change in working conditions.” In the end, though, implementing an electronic time tracking system works for the benefit of both district administrators and district employees — and that’s an outcome both groups can appreciate.
So, what should you do to ensure a productive conversation with your bargaining units about electronic time tracking? We’ve put together a free white paper to guide you through the process, with three steps you need to take to open the conversation.

Get the White Paper