Frontline Education

Instructional Materials Management

Instructional Materials Management

Gain control over your inventory data, and ensure your district has the materials needed for effective teaching and learning. With Frontline’s Instructional Materials Management, you’ll reduce your textbook losses, simplify the inventory process, and improve overall accountability without over-requesting materials. Managing your district’s instructional materials has never been easier.

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Simplify the Inventory Process

Centralize all inventory data in a single system to give administrators full oversight into textbook and subscription details and view total inventory, as well as warehouse storage to accurately forecast inventory needs.

Make Audits Accurate and Efficient

Utilize barcode scanners to save time and increase data reliability. Easily add new inventory by quantity.

Easily Reunite Books and Owners

Take advantage of the accession number function to view textbook information, including to whom the book was issued, to effortlessly reconnect owners to textbooks.

Ticket by ISBN

View requisition pages by ISBN to see information including price, total number requested over time, total number approved, and total number received.


“With [Frontline’s Instructional Materials Management], we have seen a huge improvement in overall campus accountability. Campuses have stopped over-requesting materials and hoarding books because we’re able to respond to their requests quicker and more accurately.”

April Hammock
Instructional Materials Supervisor | Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Are you interested in learning more? We can help! Our team can walk you through how Frontline can meet your unique needs.
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