Frontline Education

Financial Planning Analytics

Financial Planning and Budget Management Analytics

Visualize the impact of every financial decision you make for your district.

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Compare “What-if” Scenarios

Streamline how you create, run, and compare financial results with saved assumption layouts, custom queries, and comparative report templates.

Get Buy-in for Your Multiyear Budget

Easily develop a multiyear budget forecast and see how different assumptions and variables impact future revenues and expenses.

Simulate the Impact of Collective Bargaining Agreements

Illustrate your 5-year financial forecast to build trust during negotiations. Build proposals, present financial scenarios, and provide visibility for cost analysis.

Monitor Performance Against This Year’s Budget

Quickly build month-to-date reports to show exactly how you are performing against your existing budget and project monthly cash flow.

Create Board-ready Reports and Visuals

Inform and educate the school board and community about short-term decisions and impact. Build multiyear scenarios and projections that support your decisions.

“It has completely improved my experience of being able to pull data, use data, and articulate data to my board of education and my community. Without these tools, I’d be spending way more time than I feel I need to be able to put together comprehensive plans for our district, for our students, for our staff.”

— John Brucato
Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, Briarcliff Manor Union Free School District
Are you interested in learning more? We can help! Our team can walk you through how Frontline can meet your unique needs.
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