Frontline Education

How to Do More with Less in Human Resources

In today’s digital age, a world of information is available at our fingertips. Groceries can be delivered with a click of a button and video reels are bite-sized and easily digestible. It’s all about instant access and connectivity!
But take a moment to reflect on the systems you have in place in your district. Do candidates fill out a paper application, or wait to receive a thick onboarding packet through (what feels like) snail mail? If this sounds familiar, you’re likely already aware of the obstacles that come hand in hand with manual and paper processes like these. They’re inefficient, time-consuming, and expensive.
So how can districts bring that instant access and connectivity into their schools to really “do more with less” in the digital age? With the right tools and technology in place, district leaders can optimize their operations, reduce manual workloads, and improve efficiency all while working toward creating an outstanding educational experience for students.

Doing more with recruiting and hiring.

By automating the most time-consuming aspects of HR processes, Human Resource teams can free up hours in their day and finally focus on their people instead of paperwork.

Here are a few areas in which going digital can help districts do more with less in recruiting and hiring:


District Spotlight: Doing more with less

“It has streamlined our process and minimizes the risk of losing documents. You can allow different administrators, principals, and employees to see different parts of each program and what is specific to their role in the district.”

Suzie Gerhardt, Human Resources Director, Circleville City Schools


Getting the full picture of employee attendance.

Managing employee attendance doesn’t have to be stressful. But spending your day calling substitutes on the phone, chasing down paper timesheets, or manually calculating payroll can certainly leave everyone feeling like they’re scrambling.
With tools that help you manage your employee absences in one place and make it seamless to find qualified substitutes, you can rest easy knowing the right educators are in place at the right time (and that you’re in compliance).


District Spotlight: Doing more with less

“Automating systems has really improved our culture in the HR office. From being able to process things quicker and cleaner to eliminating some of the time we were using on the old system, it’s been a win-win all the way around.”

Rusty Stecker, Executive Director of Human Resources, Broken Arrow Public Schools


Supporting professional learning and collaboration.

Professional development isn’t one-size-fits-all. In order to address every educator’s unique professional growth needs, it’s critical to be able to create individual PD plans and provide an online space for your staff to build a culture of learning.
Take back your time while giving your teachers the personalized learning experiences they need and deserve.


District Spotlight: Doing more with less

“Having pieces of evaluation and professional development now, all under one house, all tied together, it really allows us to have the most strategic and powerful impact you can have on the classroom, which ultimately comes back to the most optimal learning that’s taking place.”

Dale Fisher, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Deerfield Public School District 109

Are you ready to do more with less in your district? Learn More

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