Frontline Education

How Analytics Helps Streamline Your Registration Process

Chances are that your district has a student registration process that begins in January or early Spring and continues throughout the summer. Kindergarten, pre-k, and new family registration can be a hectic and time-consuming process for schools. It involves a lot of paperwork, data entry, and coordination with families to ensure that all the necessary information is collected, and the right resources are allocated. However, with the help of a location analytics tool, this process can be streamlined, making it easier for schools to plan accordingly from a resource and capacity standpoint.


Why is Kindergarten and early childhood Pre-Registration Important?

Kindergarten pre-registration is important because it helps schools plan for the upcoming school year. By collecting information about future students, schools can determine how many teachers they’ll need, how many classrooms they’ll need, and how much classroom space they’ll need. This information is essential for ensuring that schools have the resources they need to provide a high-quality education to all students. By beginning this process in early Spring, districts can refine their kindergarten registration estimates to inform budgets and staffing prior to the typical July 1 fiscal year start. Additionally, you can help new students acclimate to their building and feel comfortable and begin to get excited for school!


How Location Analytics Helps with Kindergarten Pre-Registration

A location analytics product can be an invaluable tool for schools during the registration process. With Frontline Location Analytics, schools can analyze demographic data to identify areas where there are likely to be a higher number of incoming kindergartners. Perhaps a new development, or an area that you can identify new families to your district.

“In this view, you can visualize population density and color-code different types of dwellings.”

This information can help schools allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that they have enough teachers, classrooms, and classroom space to meet the needs of all students.
Location Analytics can also be used to analyze transportation data, helping schools plan bus routes and schedules. By analyzing data about the locations of future kindergartners, schools can determine the most efficient bus routes and schedules, ensuring that all students can get to school on time.

“A view like this one can show transportation needs for special populations, too.”

Finally, Location Analytics can be used to analyze school capacity data. By analyzing data about the number of students currently enrolled and the capacity of each classroom, schools can determine whether they need to add additional classrooms or adjust class sizes to accommodate incoming kindergartners. Whether the district has stable, increasing, or declining enrollment, your district can analyze current student enrollment data to ensure your resources are being most effectively distributed.

Tip: When you’re gearing up for registration, make use of all your communication channels. Here’s an example of a tweet you might post.

District registration is an essential process for schools that helps to plan for the upcoming school year. By using Location Analytics to analyze demographic data, transportation routes , and school capacity information, schools can streamline the pre-registration process and ensure that they have the resources they need to provide a high-quality education to all students. With the help of Location Analytics, schools can make informed decisions that benefit both students and staff.

“There are other ways to color code by school building or by any identifier that you want to feed into Location Analytics from your SIS….You can see transfer status, special education status, and gifted status. You can color code and filter and sort by any of these. One of the amazing things here in Location Analytics is as I’m drawing new boundaries, that stats panel on the left-hand side is updating basically in real-time. There’s no more, ‘Let’s tweak a line, run a report, compare it to a prior report’ — you have it all at your fingertips as you’re doing this work.”

Drew Schenk, Interim Director of Operations, School District of Lancaster


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